

Partnerscapes in Washington DC

Partnerscapes board members and staff traveled to Washington DC in early May primarily to meet with some of the agencies that work in partnership with private landowners to achieve shared goals.

May 16th, 2024|

Private Lands Partners Day 2023 – A Homecoming

Last week folks from all over the country gathered in western Montana for the 15th annual Private Lands Partners Day. This year’s meeting returned to the original location and the beginning of Partners for Conservation, which became Partnerscapes. The Blackfoot Watershed, and the highly regarded and accomplished community-based collaborative conservation effort called the Blackfoot Challenge, were the true hosts of the event, even though attendees stayed in Missoula.

October 14th, 2023|

An Example of Landscape-Scale Collaborative Conservation Outside the United States – Friends of Usambara

Partnerscapes recently received an email from Nusura Seleman Ramadhan an environmental specialist working with the Friends of Usambara society in Tanzania. The description of the organization and its work on all three “legs of the stool” (the ecologic, economic and sociologic aspects of a place) is very familiar to Partnerscapes and all others involved in collaborative community-based conservation in this country.

September 13th, 2023|