

Partnerscapes Still Seeking Input on Private Lands Partners Day 2021

Partnerscapes has been seeking input for planning of Private Lands Partners Day through a survey as our country and individual states continue the response to the Covid-19 pandemic. So far, 90 individuals have responded, and we wanted to provide a report on the results thus far, even while leaving the survey open for a bit longer.

April 13th, 2021|

Partnerscapes is Seeking Your Input on Private Lands Partners Day 2021 – Oregon

Partnerscapes wants to hear your thoughts, preferences, and comfort level in regards to how we should proceed with the meeting this year. We have developed this SHORT online survey for that purpose. Our thinking is that even when restrictions are relaxed, that there may be a lag between when people are legally able to gather in the hundreds and when they are comfortable, and willing, to do so.

March 16th, 2021|

How a Change in Approach Opened New Opportunities for Jim Faulstich and Daybreak Ranch

Partnerscapes board member Jim Faulstich knows firsthand how a change in approach can open up new and lucrative opportunities for a decades old ranch. He has managed Daybreak Ranch, a 10,000+ acre grass-based cow/calf operation and no-till farm in South Dakota, since 1973.

January 5th, 2021|

Partnerscapes Releases Report on Survey of Collaborative Conservation Efforts in the West

We are pleased to release a report summarizing what we learned from our West-wide survey of collaborative conservation, including insights about collaboratives, their accomplishments and how they are evaluating their efforts and sharing with others.

December 11th, 2020|

Good Land Stewardship Can Be Economically Advantageous

How Partnerscapes board director, Gary Price, has been able to benefit from a variety of partnerships throughout his 40+ years of ranching as well as share information on a new ecosystem services market that plans to open in 2022 that may provide new opportunities for landowners.

November 18th, 2020|

Partnerscapes Late October Zoom Events – Private Lands Partners Day and Collaborative Conservation in the West Previews

On October 23rd, we hosted a presentation on results from our 2020 survey of collaborative conservation efforts across eight western states. On October 29th, we hosted a Zoom event previewing Private Lands Partners Day 2021 – Oregon and Private Lands Partners Day 2022 – Arkansas.

November 9th, 2020|