Last month just over 80 voluntary conservation practitioners and biologists, landowners and other partners gathered in Las Vegas to explore what it takes to be successful partnering with diverse perspectives and delivering voluntary conservation. The session was very interactive, and all of the attendees were extremely engaged with lots of pertinent insights and great ideas.
The meeting planners did a great job of sharing some of those insights and ideas in real time through social media postings and short videos on both Instagram and Facebook. We have also distilled what the participants had to say in a report which is available here. Additionally, we have prepared a separate executive summary of what was shared that can be found here.
As a follow on, and to keep ideas and the conversation flowing, a private Facebook group was established for participants. More of these gatherings are planned for other parts of the country in the months to come in an effort to better support the practitioners and landowners who are engaged in having those sometimes-challenging conversations, building relationships, and getting great work done together all across the country.