About Gregg Elliott

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So far Gregg Elliott has created 85 blog entries.

Partnerscapes in Washington DC

Partnerscapes board members and staff traveled to Washington DC in early May primarily to meet with some of the agencies that work in partnership with private landowners to achieve shared goals.

2024-05-16T13:55:15-05:00May 16th, 2024|

Eastern Partnership Forum Convened in West Virginia

Partnerscapes,  staff from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service–Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program, landowners, and other conservation partners gathered the week of January 15th at the National Conservation Training Center to learn from each other and share challenges, opportunities, lessons learned, and networking ideas related to conservation partnerships on private lands in the eastern United States. 

2024-01-22T18:55:18-06:00January 22nd, 2024|